Modern Changes of the Climatic Conditions and Rhythmicity of the Long-Term Oscillations of the Mode Parameters of Water Bodies as the Integral Index of the Climate Fluctuation (based on the Urals example)
The mechanism of how global factors of terrestrial and extraterrestrial origins influence the natural objects is very complicated and has not been fully studied yet. The majority of scientists think that the lunar and solar tidal forces produce an effect on the water surface of the sea, making the ocean currents pulse under certain rhythms. Their pulsation causes changes in the global moisture and heat transfer on the Earth. As a result, there appear complex rhythmic oscillations of the planet’s climate and inland waters. This article represents an analysis of the reasons for the modern climate fluctuations, including those at the local level (the Urals region).
How to Cite
Modern Changes of the Climatic Conditions and Rhythmicity of the Long-Term Oscillations of the Mode Parameters of Water Bodies as the Integral Index of the Climate Fluctuation (based on the Urals example). (2015). Advances in Systems Science and Applications, 15(3), 267-278.