About the Journal
Advances in Systems Science and Applications (ASSA) is an international peer-reviewed open-source online academic journal focused at all major aspects of processes and systems analysis, modeling, simulation, and control, ranging from theoretical and methodological developments to a large variety of application areas. Survey articles and innovative results are also welcome.
The journal is aimed at the audience of scientists, engineers and researchers working in the framework of these problems. The journal should be a platform on which researchers will be able to communicate and discuss both their specialized issues and interdisciplinary problems to these areas.
Topics include (but not limited to):
Advances in Systems Theory |
Systems Design; |
Modeling and Simulation |
Modeling; |
Intelligent systems |
Human-Machine Systems; |
Data Science |
Data Mining; |
Network Systems |
Cyber-physical Systems and Management of Network Systems; |
Manufacturing Systems |
Manufacturing Plant Control; |
Industrial Systems |
Modeling and Control of Chemical Processes; |
Power and Energy Systems |
Smart Grid; |
Transportation Systems |
Automotive Control; |
Bio & Ecological Systems |
Control in Agriculture; |
Social Systems |
Economic, Business and Financial Systems; |
The editorial team of ASSA adheres to the publishing ethics standards provided by Elsevier. The Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement is available at the official website.
All manuscripts are peer-reviewed by the experts in the field to assure the significance and novelty of contribution, correct literature review and citations. The anonymous reviewers assure the absence of conflict of interest. Detailed information for authors and reviewers is available at the official journal’s website.
Article review and publication process is free for all authors. The full texts of all published articles (and the archive of issues from 2010 and on) are available for free at the official website https://ijassa.ipu.ru/. ASSA is registered in the Library of Congress of U.S.A. and is abstracted/indexed in SCOPUS, Google Scholar, ResearchGate, SCImago, eLIBRARY, EBSCO.
ASSA is published since 2000 by the International Institute for General Systems Studies (IIGSS), a non-profit research organization established in 1994 and located in Pennsylvania (U.S.A.). IIGSS conducts research and education projects in systems analysis, general systems theory, operation research, cybernetics, and control theory with diverse applications in science, engineering, economics, and management.