Method of Parametric Structural Synthesis of the Machine-assembly Departments


  • Anatoliy Serduk
  • Aleksandr Sergeev
  • Aleksandr Rusyaev
  • Sergey Kamenev


Reconstruction and technical re-equipment of enterprises is preferable to the creation of a similar capacity as a result of new construction. Stringent requirements apply to projects of modernization of production, design methods used, duration and quality of the project works. Traditional methods of designing high-tech Assembly areas, based on average calculations are inefficient and weakly correlated with the automated production process. Important research task is to develop a method of automated design of Assembly areas, based on computer modeling of technological processes and automated synthesis of structure and parameters of the production equipment. The article describes the formalized representation of the production process machining industries, including operations of separation and assembly. Developed algorithmic, mathematical and information support of the process simulation of the machining industry, including operations of separation and Assembly. Implemented the lexicographic algorithm generates the best options for production jobs. These options are processed statistically. Developed a method of structural-parametric synthesis of machining industries. The method takes into account changes in production item due to the simulation of a sample optimal replacement jobs that have the highest probability. The use of the developed method will ensure the optimality of the design solutions according to the criteria of efficiency of functioning of the machining industries.







How to Cite

Method of Parametric Structural Synthesis of the Machine-assembly Departments. (2016). Advances in Systems Science and Applications, 16(4), 62-70.