Plasma Control in Tokamaks. Part 2.

Magnetic plasma control systems

  • Yuri Vladimirovich Mitrishkin Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • Nikolay Mikhaylovich Kartsev
  • Evgeniya Alexandrovna Pavlova
  • Artem Andreeevich Prokhorov
  • Pavel Sergeevich Korenev
  • Mikhail Ivanovich Patrov
Keywords: tokamak, plasma, plasma magnetic control, plasma position control


Various systems of magnetic control of plasma position, current, and shape are considered in vertically elongated tokamaks including spherical tokamaks being in operation. The systems of Resistive Wall Modes suppression are described. Tokamaks constructions and cross-sections, structural schemes of plasma control systems are given; heed is paid to operating principles of plasma control systems; experimental results of plasma control in tokamaks are given. Various engineering realizations of magnetic plasma control systems in tokamaks are presented.
