An Overview of Multiple Criteria Decision Making Techniques in the Selection of Best Laptop Model


  • Shankha S. Goswami Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Dhenkanal, Sarang, India, 759146
  • Dhiren K. Behera Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Dhenkanal, Sarang, India, 759146



laptop selection, multi-criteria decision making, analytic hierarchy process, alternative ranking, weighted sum and product model


This research article presents a detailed study of a laptop selection problem by analyzing through three (Multi-Criteria Decision Making) MCDM techniques namely, (Weighted Sum Model) WSM, (Weighted Product Model) WPM and (Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment Model) WASPAS. The main goal of this study is to propose the best laptop model among a group of seven alternative models based on 10 selection criteria. For this purpose, (Analytic Hierarchy Process) AHP is used to determine the criteria weightages whereas, WSM, WPM, WASPAS techniques are applied individually to determine the best model and to rank the alternatives. The best model is proposed based on the output results of the three MCDM techniques which suggest that alternative 3 and alternative 2 are the optimum and the foulest choice respectively. All the rankings given by the three methodologies are also compared with the previous result which shows that all the three methods are giving the same outcome and the rankings are more or less same with very minor alterations.

Author Biography

  • Dhiren K. Behera, Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Dhenkanal, Sarang, India, 759146

    Dr. Dhiren Kumar Behera currently Working as Assistant Professor(Selection Grade) in the department of mechanical engineering at Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology,Sarang,Odisha,India.He received his B.E. in mechanical engineering from NIT Nagpur and received his PhD degree from Jadavpur University. He has more than 20 years of teaching experiences.His research area of interest is scheduling,optimization,soft computing,reliability ,industrial engineering and management.




How to Cite

An Overview of Multiple Criteria Decision Making Techniques in the Selection of Best Laptop Model. (2023). Advances in Systems Science and Applications, 23(2), 11-23.