Determining the Vertical Force When Steering


  • Anh Nguyen Tuan Hanoi University of Business and Technology
  • Binh Hoang Thang Hanoi University of Science and Technology



dynamic vehicle model, vertical force, function, steering acceleration, rollover


When the vehicles move at high velocity and quickly steer, the vehicles can be rollover. The first sign of this phenomenon is that two wheels on the same side are completely separated from the road surface. The typical value for this sign is the vertical force FZ at each wheel. If this value gradually decreases to zero, the wheel runs the risk of separating from the road surface that may lead to rollover. Therefore, the value of the vertical force Fz in different conditions needs to be determined to detect the imminent limit of the rollover phenomenon. This research established the spatial dynamic model of the vehicle to determine the vertical force FZ based on the simulation method. Besides, the equation describing the relationship between vertical force FZ, velocity v, and acceleration steering e corresponding to the value of steering angle d is also established by the calculation process. From this equation, the value of the vertical force FZ can be simply calculated with relatively high accuracy based on determining conditions. The results of this research are the basis for determining and establishing the vehicle's rollover limit.




How to Cite

Determining the Vertical Force When Steering. (2021). Advances in Systems Science and Applications, 20(4), 27-35.