Sustainable Management of Universities


  • Mukharbeck Malsagov Ingush State University, Nazran, Russia



active systems, dynamic games, integer programming problems, universities, sustainable management


This paper considers the problems of sustainable management of universities. A university as an active system is analyzed, and some sustainable development criteria are suggested and formally described using the integrated assessment approach. A series of sustainable management models at the levels of department, faculty, and university are presented as follows: a dynamic incentive model for the participants of a research project; a static reward distribution model as a game in the characteristic function form; a dynamic working time distribution model for department staff as a differential game in the normal or characteristic function form based on compulsion; dual discrete programming problems with sustainable development constraints for determining an optimal staff structure of a faculty, with assessing the efficiency of different paired unions of departments; dynamic coordination models for the social and private interests of university staff in the course of innovations promotion, as differential games in the normal and characteristic function form based on impulsion; finally, dynamic models of anti-corruption drive. Major emphasis is placed on problem statements and possible solution methods.




How to Cite

Sustainable Management of Universities. (2019). Advances in Systems Science and Applications, 19(3), 65-79.