A System Approach to the Regional Sustainable Management


  • Gennady A. Ougolnitsky Southern Federal University




computer simulation, game theoretic modeling, homeostasis, regional development, sustainable management, system approach, system compatibility


A system approach to the regional sustainable management based on game theoretic models and information technologies is considered. A notion of the regional active system is specified. The author's approach uses hierarchical dynamical game theoretic models formalizing and integrating many different aspects of the control in active systems. A concept of the regional sustainable development is added by the requirement of system compatibility. Sustainable development means that a human activity should provide sufficiently high values of indicators of the social-economic development, and in the same time sustain an environmental equilibrium. Formally, all indicators of the state of a regional socio-ecological-economic system must belong to a given range. In turn, system compatibility means that interests of the active agents should be considered by the Center in a maximal degree for the achievement of the Center's purposes. For a quantitative measurement of the system compatibility based on the proposed model an index of system compatibility is used. Administrative and economic control mechanisms providing the system compatibility are described. On the regional level the problem of coordination of interests has the following specific features. First, a regional administration which should be a leader of SD, in a higher degree is interested in the approval from the federal center that estimates the regional activity by other criteria. Second, the principal control levers, both legislative and economic, are also situated in the federal level. Third, the municipal districts that should provide a practical implementation of the requirements of homeostasis, have not enough resources for it. A hierarchical structure of the model system in this domain is considered. A practical implementation of the methodology of sustainable management on the regional level requires a regional information-analytical system, the structure of which is proposed.







How to Cite

A System Approach to the Regional Sustainable Management. (2017). Advances in Systems Science and Applications, 17(2), 52-62. https://doi.org/10.25728/assa.2017.17.2.253

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