The Contract Theory: A 3-Dimensional Reflection on Commodities & Capital Conversions

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Sailau Baizakov
Azamat R. Oinarov
Dana A. Eshimova
Jeffrey Yi-Lin Forrest


Contract Theory is a relatively young field of the economic science. The uniqueness of this branch of investigation is established on the basis that it is crucial to study the origin of microeconomic and macroeconomic indicators. In particular, because of this theory of contracts, it becomes possible to properly evaluate the performance of the real balanced growth. The study of the theoretical foundations of contracting paves the way for further development of particular tools for analyzing economic policies.


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How to Cite
Baizakov, S., Oinarov, A., Eshimova, D., & Forrest, J. (2018). The Contract Theory: A 3-Dimensional Reflection on Commodities & Capital Conversions. Advances in Systems Science and Applications, 18(1), 20-40.