On Codimension 3 Singular Points of First-order Implicit Differential Equations

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Yana Sergeevna Agakhanova
Aleksander Sergeevich Nikachev
Irina Nikolaevna Oblasova


We investigate local phase portraits of first-order implicit differential equations in a neighborhood of their singular points of codimension 3. Namely, we consider singular points where the lifted field of the equation on a surface is non-singular, but the projection of the surface to the phase plane has a singularity of one of three types: lips, beaks, swallowtail. We also consider generic bifurcations in one-parameter families of such equations.


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Agakhanova, Y., Nikachev, A., & Oblasova, I. (2023). On Codimension 3 Singular Points of First-order Implicit Differential Equations. Advances in Systems Science and Applications, 23(1), 8-21. https://doi.org/10.25728/assa.2023.23.01.1382