The Nature of the Combined Effect of Low Doses of Radiation and Chemical Pollutants in Doses Close to the Maximum Permissible, on the State of Somatic Health of the Population


  • Petr Istratov Moscow Department of Rospotrebnadzor, Moscow, Russia; Medical University Reaviz, Moscow, Russia



low doses of radiation, chemical pollutants, somatic pathology risks, excess risk of malignant neoplasms.


Technogenic development of the society besides improvement of social and living conditions of people leads to increase of emissions into the environment of industrial wastes, including radioactive wastes. The purpose of this work was to study the influence of low doses of radiation combined with chemical pollutants in doses close to the maximum permissible, on the health of people in comparison with similar health indicators of the population living in an area with similar chemical pollution (with radiological well-being) and in the area with "clean ecology".

The study was conducted on the territory of one region for 3 years: from 2016 to 2018 in three districts: the first district - district with the presence of radiation and chemical pollution, the second district (comparison) - district with natural radiation background and chemical pollution and the third district (comparison) - district of "Environmental Wellbeing".

The state of health of the population, the specified settlements was studied on the basis of analysis of data from the accounting Form № 12 (departmental form of state statistical observation of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on Form 12 "Information on the number of diseases registered in patients residing in the service area of the medical organization" in the Moscow region, for 2016-2018 years).

It was found that both radiation and chemical pollution of the environment in low doses leads to an excessive risk of somatic diseases and MND. When their effects on the human body are summarized, the resulting negative effect on human health is intensified.

In the studied area of the RWDF, natural and climatic features and the nature of anthropogenic influence led to contamination, first of all, of the air and soil, which affected the structure of cancer mortality, risks of development of MNS and the nature of pathology predominantly spread among the population - upper and lower respiratory tract diseases, allergological diseases, which opens new directions for preventive and health-improvement work among the population.




How to Cite

The Nature of the Combined Effect of Low Doses of Radiation and Chemical Pollutants in Doses Close to the Maximum Permissible, on the State of Somatic Health of the Population. (2022). Advances in Systems Science and Applications, 22(4), 202-211.