On Order Covering Set-Valued Mappings and Their Applications to the Investigation of Implicit Differential Inclusions and Dynamic Models of Economic Processes


  • Evgenii O. Burlakov University of Tyumen, Tyumen, Russia; V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
  • Elena A. Panasenko Derzhavin Tambov State University, Tambov, Russia; Leonhard Euler International Mathematical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
  • Irina D. Serova University of Tyumen, Tyumen, Russia
  • Evgeny S. Zhukovskiy V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; Derzhavin Tambov State University, Tambov, Russia




operator inclusion, covering mapping of partially ordered spaces, implicit differential equation, supply-and-demand model


The present work is devoted to investigation of operator inclusions in partially ordered spaces and application of the obtained results to differential inclusions. We consider the inclusion Υ(x,x)∋y with respect to the unknown x∈X,where Υ:X×X⇒Y is a set-valued mapping, X and Y are partially ordered spaces. It is assumed that the mapping Υ is order covering with respect to the first argument and antitone with respect to the second argument. We prove that for any x0 ∈ X, if the set G(x0) contains an element y0 such that y ≼ y0, then there exists a solution to the inclusion under consideration, which satisfies the inequality x ≼ x0. This statement is applied to investigation of a Cauchi problem for the differential inclusion f(t,x,ẋ,ẋ)∋0 with a bound for the derivative of the unknown function ẋ(t)∈B(t) (here f:[a,b]×Rn×Rn×Rn ⇒Rm,B:[a,b]⇒Rn). We obtain conditions of solvability in the space of absolutely continuous functions, conditions of existence of a solution with the least derivative, and derive the solutions estimates. The latter results are applied to the analysis of the dynamic Walrasian-Evans-Samuelson model of economic processes, which can be reduced to a system of implicit differential inclusions. We establish the existence of the equilibrium and obtain estimates of the equilibrium prices.




How to Cite

On Order Covering Set-Valued Mappings and Their Applications to the Investigation of Implicit Differential Inclusions and Dynamic Models of Economic Processes. (2022). Advances in Systems Science and Applications, 22(1), 176-191. https://doi.org/10.25728/assa.2022.22.1.1225