Software for Testability Analysis of Aviation Systems


  • Valentina S. Viktorova V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
  • Armen S. Stepanyants V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia



testability, built-in-test, fault coverage, failure detection ratio, built-in-test equipment conformity, failure mode and effects analysis, Markov reliability models, operative availability trend


This paper describes models, methods and software tool for testability analysis of aviation systems. It comprises analytical and programing aspects of calculations of main testability, reliability and availability indices. It presents general description of the software, XML schema of input data and technique of their mapping to the database structure. The procedure for generating the initial data for testability analysis based on the line replaceable units failure modes report is described. Fault tree model for analysis of the built-in test conformity is suggested. Markov models have been created for analyzing reliability and availability, taking into account the features of the built-in test and the specifics of the aircraft operation. An approach to the construction of trends in the operative availability of aviation systems in the inter-maintenance interval is proposed.




How to Cite

Software for Testability Analysis of Aviation Systems. (2021). Advances in Systems Science and Applications, 21(1), 113-138.